Monday, June 03, 2013

Humble Orthodoxy? Yup!

Humble Orthodoxy by Joshua Harris was an easy and difficult read.  It was easy to read, but difficult to digest.  Difficult because Harris spoke about topics which many Christians struggle with.  This is a very good book to read.  The premise of Humble Orthodoxy is the call for each Christ follower to practice humility and grace, while at the same time never abandoning the call to be orthodox in the doctrines of our faith.

He stated, “Christians need to have a commitment to sound doctrine.  We need to be courageous in our stand for biblical truth.  But we also need to be gracious in our words and interactions with other people.”  The goal is always to be humble, yet never lose the doctrine of God’s Word.

He spells this out in a four chapter book which has chapter titles,

  1. Your Attitude matters
  2. With a Tear in Our Eye
  3. Repentance Starts With Me
  4. Living for God’s Approval
All too often Christ followers find it easy to be critical and complain, rather than find ways to encourage and build one another up, to the glory of God.  This is an easy read, but has deep and profound truth throughout the book.  It’s a great reminder that when disagreeing with someone, we don’t need to give in from our position, but how can we speak with love and grace, yet keep our convictions.  Thereby, showing respect and love, while disagreeing.

There is also a very good study guide in the back of the book.  This would be a good small group study book.  I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.

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