I really appreciated this quote from Becker, "For a long time, I though my children were a distraction from the work God was doing in my life and in the world around me. I am starting to realize they are the work God is doing in my life."
How true is that for many parents. While we don’t actively think that way, that is often the thought behind our thinking. Until we realize our kids are a blessing from God and if we are willing this helps us grow as the people God calls us to be. She easily shares the spiritual truths she has learned. She does not act like she knows it all, instead she helps the reader to see the way she processes the different experiences she has.
Small Talk had more spiritual depth and thoughtfulness than I expected. Her thoughts and reflections are not just for all people who struggle with how to relate to God in their lives.
I received this book from booklook bloggers in exchange for an impartial review.