Tuesday, September 25, 2018

A Story about being a Prodigal

Stumbling Toward Wholeness: How the Love of God Changes Us is a raw and unfiltered book which has the potential to change your life forever.  Andrew Bauman has written a book which is based on the story of the Prodigal Son from Luke 15:11-32.  On its own, this is a powerful story, but as Andrew Bauman unpacks it, looking at the older brother, the father and the younger brother, it becomes easy to see ourselves in all of them.

The book helps the reader dig deeper into their own story and learn more about who they are and why they are the way they are.  His hope and expectation is that each reader will see themselves and discover who they are and live a more passionate, God centered, God focused life.

Bauman shares his own story to help the reader better discover and reveal their own longing for wholeness and to experience the power of God’s strength, grace, love and compassion.

I would highly recommend this book.

I received this book from Tyndale Press in exchange for an honest review.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Having an Unshakeable Hope!

I don't have the adult version, this is a Student Edition of Unshakeable Hope: The Promise Book.  It is a paperback devotional / book, which is for youth around grades 8-12, ranging from 12-16 years of age.

The premise of the book is to help youth learn and understand through self exploration about 30 different promises God has made.  In the end, Lucado wants to instill hope to each person through God's promises which will not be broken.  The format for each chapter is the same ~

  • There is a cover page which contains a pertinent scripture.
  • There are 2 pages of reflections and examples regarding this topic.
  • There is 1-2 pages of scripture about this topic.
  • There are 4 questions for study and to help the reader dig a little deeper.
  • Finally, there is a promise for you to make to God regarding this topic.

Each chapter is 6 pages in length.  The book/devotional is pretty straight forward and easy to read.  Some may say it is not deep enough, but the hope is that it spurs some questions which lead to some discussions in a youth group or at home.

Overall, this is a good book and resource, possibly for a parent to do with a teenager, which may draw them closer to one another and to God.

I received this book from booklookbloggers in exchange for an honest review.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

NKJV Spirit Filled Life Bible = Excellent!

Many years ago I purchased the original Spirit Filled Life Bible in the NIV.  This is the 3rd edition and there are many more enhancements which make this a Bible worth purchasing and using on a regular basis.  I would add that this Bible is most likely not for those who are not familiar with the Bible, since this will be more beneficial with word studies.  I also appreciate that this is in the NKJV, the first Spirit Filled Bible I purchased was the NIV.  I prefer the NKJV will over the NIV.

This Bible is a hardcover, but it's not flimsy.  It is sturdy and should last for years.  When you open it it stays open, instead of closing and struggling with it.  It's a great looking and feels good when reading it and using it. 

But more than that, this Bible is so functional, especially for those who are a little more Charasmatic.  Included in this Bible are ~ 
  • Over 650 word studies, including more than 100 new ones.
  • Kingdom Dynamics which are biblical notes addressed by spirit filled preachers.
  • Truth In Action which includes helpful charts for practical application.
  • Praying the Word - 192 helps for guided prayers based on Scripture.
  • Study notes which helps explain the Scripture.

Overall this is an excellent Bible and a great resource.  I would highly recommend it.

I received this Bible from Booklook bloggers in exchange for an honest review.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Excellent Bible!!

Many years ago I purchased the original Spirit Filled Life Bible in the NIV.  While I liked that one then, this one surpasses it.  Partly, I appreciate the NKJV so much more than the NIV.

This Bible has an amazingly soft feel to the leather.  When you open it it stays open, instead of closing and struggling with it.  The looks and feel are great.

But more than that, this Bible is so functional, especially for those who are a little more Charasmatic.  Included in this Bible are ~ 

Over 650 word studies, including more than 100 new ones.
Kingdom Dynamics which are biblical notes addressed by spirit filled preachers.
Truth In Action which includes helpful charts for practical application.
Praying the Word - 192 helps for guided prayers based on Scripture.
Study notes which helps explain the Scripture.

Overall this is an excellent Bible and a great resource.  I would highly recommend it.

I received this Bible from Booklook bloggers in exchange for an honest review.

Thursday, September 06, 2018

Daily Questions!!

I wish I had this book when my boys were younger.  This is a wonderful and powerful way for parents to engage with their children on a daily basis.  In the book, The Daily Question for You and Your Child, there is a daily question to be discussed.  Each page has that question and you write down your child’s answer for the day.  There are spaces for the same question the next year, and then the next year after that.  You have 3 years of answers of what your child thinks and feels about various questions.

The book is for boys or girls.  The questions are generic enough to be asked to either sex.  Some questions are simple and basic. “What was the best part of your day?”  “What is your favorite color?  Or what’s your least favorite chore?”  These are some of the simple questions.  They get deeper as well, “What is inspiring to you?”  “What do you think heaven will be like?”  If you could ask Jesus a question, what would you ask Him?”  “How do you show love to others?”

These would be great questions to ask and talk about.  Not to correct your child, just simply to listen and learn about who your child is.  It’s a great opportunity for bonding as parent and child.  There would be lots of moments where you, the parent could share your story as well. 

This book is more for those who are Christian.  Although there are no scripture verses in the book.  The book is a quality hardcover and should last for years.

I would highly recommend it.  It would be a great gift to your child.

I received this book from Waterbrook Publishers in exchange for an honest review.

Tuesday, September 04, 2018

God Keeps His Promises!

God Always Keeps His Promises: Unshakeable Hope for Kids was written by Max Lucado, adapted by Tama Fortner, and illustrated by Alessia Trunfio is a wonderful Bible story book for children.  This is really more of a devotional / children's bible story book.  It is designed for children between the ages of 4 - 8.

The devotional Bible story book describes 25 different promises from God to us.  Each chapter is about 8 pages in length, ending with a promise, a prayer and Bible verses.

The book is filled with colorful pages which will engage the children as you read the story to them, or as they read for themselves.

I would highly recommend this book for parents and grandparents.

I received a copy from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review.

Fun Kids Devotional

God Gave Us the Bible: 45 Favorite Stories for Little Ones is a very well done, hardcover introductory Bible for parents to read with thei...