Tuesday, September 18, 2007

More Networking

We are now up to 54! I am going to try to talk to some Sunday school classes about what this can do for the individual and the church.

This is also open to invite a friend. Maybe you know someone who is wondering about their purpose and plan in life . . . this may open the door for them in their relationship with God.

If you could not read yesterdays post, I played with the color, sorry, just highlight it and you can read it or click on the title of today's and it will take you to the blog at blogger.com

I heard about a great ministry idea today. Anyone hear of Angel Food Ministries. I know 2 churches doing it in different parts of the country and these ministries have taken off. I think our area, with a depressed economy may be ripe for this. Navigate the site http://www.angelfoodministries.com

You purchase food at a discounted price. It is open to everyone with no membership fees, etc. One friend in Texas has orders of over $10,000 per month. Because of the numbers, he has moved his office into the reception area, so he could hang out with the people who are ordering and picking up food.

Just a thought. What are your thoughts for outreach and ministry in Alex?


1 comment:

  1. My mother-in-law told me about Angel Food ministries, and I think it sounds really interesting. I think it could be a great resource for anyone to have available to them. I like that the church would get a small portion of the money back to help support the ministry.

    Along the same vein, I would like to also see a kind of "group cook." There are websites and books written about how to prepare meals in advance and with groups so that each participant contributes to the cost and everyone takes home several dishes of food to freeze. I would love the fellowship time spent with others who find themselves pressed for time on the average evening, yet who also see the value of having a healthy (or at least healthier than fast food) family dinner.

    My girls are top priority for me, but busy schedules often force us to rush through meals or eat much later than is desirable.


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