Thursday, September 19, 2019

Fun Kids Devotional

God Gave Us the Bible: 45 Favorite Stories for Little Ones is a very well done, hardcover introductory Bible for parents to read with their young children.  The kids will enjoy the pictures, which gives the parents the ability to talk about the page and what is happening as well.  The pages are glossy and thicker, which makes the book look and feel more attractive.

There's an interesting twist as it's Mama Bear who gathers her cubs and forest friends to tell them the story of God's love as we see in the Bible.

The goal was to highlight 45 foundational (author's opinion) passages which make a difference and young ones need to know about.

Overall, this is a kid friendly book which parents and grandparents will enjoy reading to children.  

Here's another picture from the book to show the fun nature of the book.

I received this from WaterBrook in exchange for an honest review.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Something Does Need to Change!

In his book, Something Needs to Change: A Call to Make your Life Count in a World of Urgent Need, David Platt has written in impassioned book about his journey, literally and spiritually.  Platt goes on a life changing journey and invites the reader to go along with him and discover needs which we do not see in the USA.

Platt prepared physically and spiritually for his journey to the rugged Himalayan mountains and trails.  Once there, he couldn't help but see the rampant poverty, human trafficking, the hunger, the waste and more problems than he realized in one area.  This led to a life changing experience because of the personal crisis he was experiencing.  This is what Platt sought to chronicle in this book which is very different than his others.

As the title suggests, Platt discovered that Something Needs to Change.  His hope is to challenge the readers to look at the world through the eyes of Christ.  To see a world which is broken and in desperate need of help.  As Platt writes, he is moved and moves the reader to consider how to bridge faith in Christ with social justice.  The two are not mutually exclusive.  You can sense the passion in the words of Platt.

Overall, this is a very moving and powerful book.

I received this book in exchange for a honest review.  

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Simple, Yet Deep

In their book, MAY IT BE SO, Justin McRoberts and Scott Erickson have written a powerful, easy to read, yet, take it slow book about the Lord's Prayer.  It's a simple book, following the progression of the Lord's Prayer, but there are so many stopping points that this becomes a deeply introspective book.

I've had to stop on many occasions just to slow myself down and think and feel what the Lord is calling for me to do and how to act in my life.

After phrase of the Lord's Prayer, there a few pages of thoughts and notes, then comes the good stuff . . . as there are simple pictures and simple comments, such as - -

  • May I more clearly see my filters, blinds spots and biases, so that I might recognize goodness, truth and beauty beyond them.
  • May those I love know it unquestioningly.
  • May I come to see those living around me as neighbors, and may the word neighbor come to mean "beloved."
Many of these made me stop and pause and reflect on their words.  This is powerful, simple, yet very thought provoking book.  Which I highly recommend.

I received this book from Waterbrook Press in exchange for an open and honest review.

Priceless Keepsake!

Dear Grandchild, This is Me is a priceless book.  It is a gift from a grandparent or grandparents to their grandchild.  It is the grandparents who answer the questions in the book and give this to their grandchild.

Some of the questions are so great, because as a child you don't often remember what your favorite snack or favorite toys were.  The book can be modified and added to by the grandparent, as well.  It's a great way to look back at your family, family tree, your history, which is so important to so many people. 

There are letters that the grandparents can put into special envelopes in the book too.  It's a fun book, well done, and is a hard cover book as well.  The colors are great, engaging and fun.  I also like the fact that the grandparents writing is contained in the book which is a great way to remember their unique penmanship.

I would highly recommend this book.

I received this book from Waterbrook Press in exchange for an honest and objective review.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Practical Reminders for Parents of Teens

This is really a pretty easy review.  I quickly read through the first 5 chapters of RAISING SUCCESSFUL TEENS in one sitting.  This is a very practical book!  It is straight forward, without fancy and crazy illustrations.  Jeffrey Dean has written an important book which Christian parents need to read.  He doesn't pull any punches.  He explains the role of the mother, as well as the role of the father.  He talks about the importance of the family unit.  He does speak to single parent families.  He is relevant on his topics, including chapters on media, cell phones, dating and sex.  He has an addendum in the back of the book which should have been moved closer to the front about boys respecting girls/women.  That's an important and relevant topic, not to be tucked away in the back of the book (not that Jeffrey was trying to hide it, but it could have been included in other sections)

Overall, this is an excellent book, which I highly recommend. 
I received this book from Multnomah Press in exchange for an honest review.

Tuesday, June 04, 2019

I'm Possible!

The book, I'm Possible: Jumping into Fear and Discovering a Life of Purpose, by Jeremy Cowart was an excellent book.  The book is about 220 pages in length and is an easy read, yet, filled with great encouragement and motivation.  The book is about taking risks and embracing who God has called you to be.  Hence the title, I’m Possible. 

Jeremy was really a less than average student who hadn’t found his way in school.  His grades were not very good, yet his parents believed in him and who he could be.  However, Jeremy found he had a passion for art and his parents encouraged him to explore the arts.  As they say, the rest is history.

Along his journey, Jeremy shares his successes and those times where he did not succeed.  Yet, he learned and encourages the reader to explore who God is calling them to be so they could find fulfillment in their lives.

Jeremy is encouraging throughout his book, which was helpful.

Overall, I would recommend this book, especially to those who are struggling with living in the hum-drum aspects of life.

I received this book from booklookbloggers in exchange for an honest review.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Jesus Calling Devotional

If you are searching for a quick, easy to read, but moving devotional to help you better understand and experience the call of Christ in your life, then this devotional is a great starting point.  Sarah Young has a way with words and devotionals.  This is no exception.  In this devotional, Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence, she has another devotional which will help you draw closer to the One who calls you.

There is a devotional for everyday, and there are 3 scripture passages at the end of the daily reading.  The devotions have a personal feel to them.  In a sense, you feel as if Jesus is the One who is penning these words.

There is also a cloth cover which makes this even more attractive to be given as a gift, especially with Mother’s Day coming up.

I would highly recommend this devotional.

I received this devotional from Booklook bloggers in exchange for an honest review.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

A Journal of Grace

In her journal A Standard of Grace, Emily Ley gives the reader and journaller some food for thought.  Or better yet, some grace for thought.  On the back cover she states, "I will hold myself to a standard of Grace, not perfection."  That's a powerful statement since too many of us are self condemning.

This journal is an attempt to help the reader to write down some of the more positive aspects of what is occurring in their lives.  The journal is designed to help readers to discover their hopes and dreams as they spend time reflecting upon their current stage of life. 

The journal is divided into 52 weeks of 2 devotions per week.  As with most journals, the reader can go at whatever pace works for them.  There are short devotions and scriptures throughout the book.  The pages are thick and filled with colored pictures as well, which makes this a very attractive book.

Overall, this is an excellent journal for women focusing on giving themselves . . . grace.

I received this book from booklookbloggers in exchange for an honest review.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Maxwell Leadership Bible

John Maxwell is one of my favorite authors when it comes to leadership principles, so I was interested in The Maxwell Study Bible.  Throughout the Bible there are references and various leadership principles and nuggets for the reader.  They are cross referenced so you can so other links which relate to that principle as well.

The Bible comes in a hardcover and is very nicely put together.  I especially appreciated the font size as it is very readable, unlike many other newer Bibles.

Now, this Bible does not have a concordance and maps, etc. as most Bibles do, however, I do not see that as the purpose of this Bible.  This is a more specialized Bible for the person who is looking to grow as a leader and find leadership principles as they read the Bible. 

Overall, this is well done!

I received this Bible from booklookbloggers in exchange for an honest review.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

A Bride's Bible

The NKJV Bride's Bible is very elegantly done.  It is small, and easily fits into someone's purse or bag.  In many respects, while it is elegant, it is also a no frills Bible.  I don't say that in a negative way.  There are no introductions to books of the Bible, no maps, etc.  There is a 1 year reading plan and a section called 30 Days with Jesus.

The font is small, at 6.5.  So, it was difficult for me to read, but for others, maybe not as difficult.

There is a very well done leather look a like cover in white.  The words of Jesus are in red as well.  There is also a section in the beginning for recording important dates.

This is a very nice looking Bible, one which can be given to a bride on her wedding day as part of a present.

I received this Bible from booklookbloggers in exchange for an honest review.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Devotional for Young Kids!

The Stop and Go Devotional: 52 Devotions for Busy Families is a fun and quick devotional for families with younger children.  There are 52 Devotions for a short weekly devotion to be completed as a family.

This is a hardcover book with glossy pages which are well constructed.  Each devotional follows the same format, in the same color scheme - 

Stop and Read - tells the Bible story in about 1-2 pages.
Think and Talk - gives some discussion and questions to talk about as a family.
Green Means Go! is the section which gives an example of a way to put the lesson into action.

As you can see, the colors are red, yellow and green.  

The green means go section is age appropriate, as this book is designed for 

Age Range: 4 - 8 years
  • Grade Level: Preschool - 3

  • Once again, this is a nice devotional for young families.

I received this book from booklookbloggers in exchange for an honest review.

Thursday, March 07, 2019

Eat Live Thrive Diet Book

While I am a man, I was interested in reading this book about diet, because I try to make healthy decisions about what I eat and there's always something to learn.  I was impressed with this book, Eat Live Thrive Diet: A Lifestyle Plan to Rev Up Your Midlife Metabolism, by Danne Demetre and Robyn Thomson.

I found that the book is really easy to read and follow.  So many diet book are not, and that was important to me.  They have a great deal of simple information which should help a person who is trying to eat healthier.  It's design is for those who are at the midlife point.

There were a number of tasty sounding recipes in the back of the book which appear interesting.

They do discuss the spiritual aspects, but this really is not a Christian self help diet book.  It's really a plan on how to better manage what you eat and honoring Christ.

I received this book from WaterBrook Press in exchange for an honest review.

Monday, March 04, 2019

Excellent Study Bible

I was really thrilled to receive THE WIERSBE STUDY BIBLE (NKJV).  This is definitely a study Bible.  As there are study notes on every page.  They are filled with the scholarship you would expect from Warren Wiersbe, author of the "BE-commentaries."

There are 2,176 pages in this Bible, so it is thick and not always easy to carry around if you have lots of other books.  But this is a must have Bible.

There is a great concordance in the back of the Bible, about 300 pages worth, along with maps.  Each book has a short introduction to help the reader become acquainted with the book of the Bible. 

One other thing that really sold me on this Bible was the font size.  Some Bibles have really small fonts, but this one was very readable, and I didn't need my glasses to read.  Obviously, the study notes are smaller in size, but still readable.

Overall, this is an excellent Bible.  One I would highly recommend purchasing.

I received this Bible from booklookbloggers in exchange for an honest review.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Faith and Trees!!

In the book Reforesting Faith: What Trees Teach us About the Nature of God and His Love for us, by Matthew Sleeth, was a fascinating book.  I really was not sure what to expect when I was asked about reviewing this book.  Matthew Sleeth was an atheist, a man who had no need for God, but ultimately came to faith and his love for nature, especially trees led to this study and book.

Sleeth uncovers the hidden language of trees as we learn more about the nature of trees and their relation to biblical characters and our lives.  He reminds us that the Bible speaks of trees from the first chapter of the Bible to the last chapter of the Bible.  Sleeth explains why the Bible mentions them more than any other creation except people.  He shares his love for trees and their meaning and how that should make a difference in our lives as well.

Overall, this was a very good and interesting book.

I received this book from Waterbrook / Multnomah books in exchange for an honest review.

Christian Devotional!

The devotion, 365 Devotions to Love God and Love Others Well was a very nice devotional.  It is a hard copy with a ribbon to mark your page.  There is a devotion for each day and they are all one page in length, and take about 2-3 minutes to read.

Because the devotionals are short enough, they are a great way to start the day, or even a good way to end the day.

There is a presentation at the beginning of the devotional and a few pages in the back for notes.  It is small enough that it will fit into a purse or bag rather easily.

Overall, it was a very nice devotional and would make a great gift for Mother's day.

I received this book from Booklook bloggers in exchange for an honest review.

Christian Sci-Fi!!

American Omens is a Christian Science Fiction thriller.  It is based in the year 2038, not far from now, but in a very different looking world.  Christianity is a crime.  There is hatred, hiding, sabotage, a secret church and more.  The book is filled with usage of technology, which seemed pretty realistic with all of the progress made in our world. 

I never heard of Travis Thrasher, but he seems an up and comer in the science fiction realm.  If you are into science fiction, especially a Christian sci-fi book, then I highly recommend this book. 

I received this book in exchange for an honest review from Multnomah Press.

Friday, February 01, 2019

Celebrate Friendships

I was intrigued by this book, Better Together: Life is Best with a Friend Like You.  This is a great gift book given from a friend to a friend.  This book is a celebration of friendships which are different.  This is a picture book, with poignant saying on each page as well.

Every two pages contains pictures of two different animals who are together.  The theme is that our differences make us "Better Together."

There are quotes from the likes of Abraham Lincoln, Helen Keller, C.S. Lewis, George Washington, Bono and many more.

This is a hard cover, sturdy book, which would make a great gift from friend to friend.

I received this book from booklookbloggers in exchange for an honest review.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Reclaiming Your Heritage

Because of my background, I was really interested to read the book, Reclaiming Our Forgotten Heritage: How Understanding the Jewish Roots of Christianity Can Transform Your Faith by Curt Landry.  My hope is that he would help lead me a little further back into my personal roots.

The book is based on Curt's life, his upbringing and finally his discovery of his roots being given up for adoption, by a Jewish mother and Catholic father.  This helped him better identify who he was and ultimately who he was to become.

As a Christina, he now began to understand how his faith was rooted in  Judaism.  This led to many changes in his life, in which he believes God has called him to help bridge the gap between the church (Christianity and the nation of Israel and a Jewish faith).

He ultimately concludes that if the church would return to their Jewish roots, they would gain a greater relationship with God, experience greater blessings and a sense of passion and purpose.  

I expected something a little different in the book, so I was disappointed, but that is because my preconceived expectations were not met.

This is a good book and intriguing story.

I received this book from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The Power of God's Song

I was not sure what to expect with this book, The Louder Song: Listening for Hope in the Midst of Lament.  I found this book to be very insightful and very deep.  Author, Aubrey Sampson speaks out of her grief and lamentation in order to help those who are struggling as well. 

This book as a great deal of power as she addresses an area which seems to be somewhat ignored. 

We all want answers when we are suffering and grieving, yet the answers do not come as quickly and wrapped neatly for us.  We end up vulnerable and raw before God.  It is during these times that Aubrey seeks to help the reader to find purpose and balance through the power of redemption through God.

Ultimately, she reminds us that God's song is louder than our own song, and we need to be able to listen to God's song which brings renewal, redemption and restoration.

This is an excellent book, which also has an Appendix with questions for each chapter, so this book can be used in a group setting as well.

I received this book from Tyndale Publishers in exchange for an honest review.

Restoration Year Devotional!

For the past 20 years, I have been a fan of John Eldredge.  I helped at one of his early conferences and appreciate the way he approaches scripture and ways for men and women to find redemption and power through Christ.  In this devotional, Restoration Year, John has helped open the eyes of our hearts as we seek to be restored and empowered by God.

While John has taken much criticism because his approach is not always conventional, and some feel his theology is weak, I believe John wants each person, men and women, to fight for their empowerment.  A life in Christ is not easy, it takes work, but that's what makes it worthwhile.

John is about living a life of more than survival, it's thriving and experiencing the joy and passion of a relationship with Christ.  I believe that is what this devotional is about.  Each page has a scripture and questions at the bottom of the page to help push the reader deeper into their journey towards God.

This is a hard cover, which is sturdy and the pages are sturdy as well.  This is an excellent book and would be great for a couple, or any person to read as they seek to grow closer to Christ.

I received this book from Booklookbloggers in exchange for an honest review.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Morning and Evening Prayers

 I was looking forward to receiving "A Morning and Evening Prayerbook."  I thought it would be a great way to start the year having a guided prayer to lead me.  This book has prayers for the morning and evening, written by people from the early church through modern times. 

The prayers are short and each is very different.  Some really speak to me, while others did not, but that is okay.  For me the purpose was to lead me into prayer.  Prayer to start the day and to end the day.  This book certainly does this. 

This is an excellent prayerbook and would also serve well sitting on a coffee table.  It is hard bound and would make a nice present as well.

Overall, this is an excellent resource for someone to use, and even for someone who struggles with prayer.  This may open up some avenues to better connect with God.

I received this book from Booklookbloggers in exchange for an honest review.

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Excellent Study Bible

I was really excited to be able to review the NEW NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible, with D.A. Carson as the General Editor.  This is a wonderful, powerful study Bible.  There are many helpful additions to this.

Included in this Bible are the following ~ 

Helpful introductions to books and sections of the Bible combined with 20,000 verse-by-verse study notes will guide you to a clearer understanding of every portion of Scripture.
  • Previously published as NIV Zondervan Study Bible
  • The full text of the New International Version (NIV), the most widely read Bible translation in contemporary English, trusted for its combination of accuracy, readability, and beauty
  • 28 theologically rich articles by authors such as Tim Keller and Kevin DeYoung
  • 20,000 verse-by-verse study notes
  • Hundreds of full-color photos, more than 90 maps, and over 60 charts
  • Comprehensive book introductions
  • Over 60 trusted contributors
  • Cross-references and the NIV Comprehensive Concordance
  • Single-column, black letter edition
  • Two ribbon markers
  • Exclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print® typeface
  • 9.1-point print size

The Bible is beautifully illustrated with charts and maps galore.

The only negative was the font size.  At 9.1 point size, it was difficult to read.  Anyone with eye issues will struggle with this Bible.  yet, it's huge and this helped keep the pages down.  This may be a minor issue, but someone who struggles with small print may not find this Bible user friendly.

If not for the font size, this is a great Bible.

I received this Bible from Booklookbloggers in exchange for an honest review.

Fun Kids Devotional

God Gave Us the Bible: 45 Favorite Stories for Little Ones is a very well done, hardcover introductory Bible for parents to read with thei...